Bar Keepers Friend, coffee machine descaler

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  • $11.20
  • Regular price $12.70
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The Coffeemaker Descaler from Bar Keeper's Friend is the perfect solution to ensure your coffeemaker is working and your coffee keeps tasting fresh.

This formula dissolves mineral scale build up from your coffeemaker water reservoir and coils.

Remove mineral buildup that can ruin the heating element in your coffee maker. Before descaling, protect countertop from splashes and spills. Wipe up any spills immedately. Once a month, or whenever you notice the tell-tale signs of hard water scale:

  1. Add one ounce of Bar Keepers Friend Coffee Maker Descaler for every eight ounces of COLD water needed to completely fill the coffee maker’s water reservoir. Do not exceed the maximum fill line for your reservoir.
  2. Remove any disposable filters or coffee pods from the coffee maker.
  3. Place the empty carafe or cup under the coffee discharge.
  4. Initiate the brew cycle, and repeat until the reservoir is completely empty. For coffee makers with a clean cycle, initiate the clean cycle and allow the cycle to run completely.
  5. Discard the used Coffee Maker Descaler from the carafe or cup and clean the carafe or cup thoroughly.
  6. Fill the coffee maker reservoir with clean, cold water, and run another bre